Carnac in Brittany (northwest France) is one of the biggest megalithic sites in the world: over 4,000 stones aligned in up to thirteen parallel lines, reaching over 4,000 feet in length. The stones were set up by an ancient civilization that lived during the Neolithic era (at least 10,000 years BC).
The purpose of the alignments eludes orthodox archaeologists. But many alternative researchers and engineers have explored the megalithic legacy and found a strong connection between the location of megalithic sites and lines of Earth energy. These lines, known as terrestrial or telluric currents, honeycomb the Earth in a manner akin to the nervous system in the human body. The alignments of Carnac were placed over the fault lines of the most active earthquake region in France. As the painstaking research work of Pierre Mereux shows, these stones are electromagnetically active—they are in the state of constant vibration. This finding sheds a completely different light on the “primitive” Neolithic people. I’d say they had a very definite knowledge of Earth’s energies, which they developed into an exact science. About which we—as a superior, technologically advanced civilization—have no clue. Earth science aside, Carnac is a place of great power. Depending on where you stand, the alignments sometimes create the impression of immutable order, rows of stones extending through the countryside like a flock of birds migrating with unerring precision. From other vantage points (like the one in my picture), the impression is of a mass of stones, milling about the field like living creatures.